What Can Patients Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

In this video, Soma Weight Loss physician Dr. Joseph Naim explains what gastric sleeve surgery entails, what the immediate and long-term recovery processes are like, and what type of diet patients can expect to be on after the surgery. Dr. Naim also highlights the support that Soma Weight Loss offers to help patients achieve long-term weight loss success

After A Sleeve Gastrectomy, What Can Patients Expect 

 Patients who go under the sleeve gastrectomy, they require a one night hospital stay at least. So after one night, they will go home, and the recovery is about three to five days. All the operations that I perform on laparoscopically through the keyhole incisions, therefore the pain is very minimal. Most of these procedures have about three to five days’ recovery. The bend operation, because there is no stapling, patients go home the same day and they can be back to work in, let’s say, in a matter of three to four days, they can be back to work. 
In terms of the diet, all these procedures, because there’s some change in anatomy of the stomach, I recommend all my patients to be on a liquid diet for two weeks. So two weeks of liquid, followed by two weeks of puree. After about four weeks, they’re used to the new stomach, and they can start eating solids. They always have to chew the food well. They have to understand that they’re not to drink and eat at the same time because that may cause some irritation and will not help them to lose weight. So we have instructions, written instruction. We have programmer coordinators, office managers, PAs and nurses that are there to answer all the questions. I’m always available in terms of any medical questions. And this way, we will not only do the procedure, we will help them through the process after surgery so they can get the best results. 


Have Questions? Contact Soma Weight Loss

If you’d like to learn more about the bariatric procedures performed at Soma Weight Loss, we’re here to help. Set up a free consultation at one of our three Los Angeles locations or call us at 855-SOMA-411 (766-2411) for more information. We are here to help!
